Go generics will be available in the official Go 1.18 release scheduled for February of 2022. If you are reading this after the fact, generics might already be available in a stable Go release and you probably already use them. Even if that is the case you might learn something here.

Generics in Go are the most significant change to Go since releasing Go 1. The Go team has managed to introduce this change while remaining fully backwards compatible. Most importantly, after this change Go should still feel like Go, according to the authors. This means that short build times and fast execution times must be maintained while the clarity and simplicity of Go must not be compromised.

These are lofty goals to achieve but the Go team has spent a considerable amount of years working on this issue and iterated through several different design proposals. In fact, one of the first proposals dates back to 2010 and can be seen here, for historical context.

To allow generics, Go has been extended with two new concepts: type parameters and constraints. Type parameters can be used in type and function declarations.

Suppose you need to build a function that needs to find the maximum element between two elements. Currently, we could define a function that takes the largest possible value type, for example:

func max(x, y float64) float64 {
  if x > y {
    return x
  return y

If we are using integer types in our program, this function works well but it is cumbersome to type cast values back and forth. Another possibility is that we could write a version of this function where instead of float64 parameters we use int parameters.

Such a function would look like this:

func max(x, y int) int {
  if x > y {
    return x
  return y

Now suppose we have an instance where we must use uint types in our program. We could once again implement a version of the function with uint and so on.

We can see that in all of these cases, if we choose to implement the functions, they have exactly the same implementation and the only change is the type of the values. This is one of the cases where we can consider using generics, according to the Go team. For more information and general guidelines on when to use generics in Go code, watch Ian Lance Taylor’s talk titled “Using Generics in Go”.

In practice, this is how a generic function that solves this problem looks like:

func max[T constraints.Ordered](x, y T) T {
  if x > y {
    return x
  return y

In this definition, max has a type parameter T and x and y are of this type. The result is of type T as well. The syntax to define a type parameter list uses square brackets. Inside, a type is declared along with its associated constraints (think meta-type).

In practice, we define a generic type T that must fulfill some conditions. These conditions are called constraints and in this case we use the Ordered constraint. This constraint is given to us by a new package called constraints, available since Go 1.18. The definition for this constraint is as follows:

// Ordered is a constraint that permits any ordered type: any type
// that supports the operators < <= >= >.
// If future releases of Go add new ordered types,
// this constraint will be modified to include them.
type Ordered interface {
	Integer | Float | ~string

There are some strange things happening here. In this case, Integer and Float are some interfaces defined in the constraints package. string is the old Go string type we all know. But before we fully explain what is happening here, let’s take a look at the definition for the Float interface.

The definition for the Float interface is as follows:

// Float is a constraint that permits any floating-point type.
// If future releases of Go add new predeclared floating-point types,
// this constraint will be modified to include them.
type Float interface {
	~float32 | ~float64

This new interface defines that a Float constraint permits any float type. This is done by using the union operator on the float32 and float64 types. The ~ is a new symbol in Go and ~T means all the types whose underlying type is T. This means that even custom defined types fulfill this constraint. In this case, any type whose underlying type is either a float32 or a float64 satisfies this constraint.

We can now understand that the Ordered constraint is fulfilled by all types whose underlying type is either an integer type, a float type or a string type.

One comparison I have heard is that constraints share a similar concept to Rust’s traits. While in some aspects this is true, take care as they are not exactly the same. In fact, no other language, at the time of writing, allows embedding types in interfaces to defined shared behaviours. This novel feature has been proven to be theoretically sound with the Featherweight Go paper.

Back to the topic, the usage of a generic max function looks like this:

// func max[T constraints.Ordered](x, y T) T {...}
var x, y, m int

m = max[int](x, y)

Thankfully, the Go compiler is able to infer the argument types. The details of type inference are complicated but using it we can make a generic function call as simple as a regular function call:

// func max[T constraints.Ordered](x, y T) T {...}
var x, y, m int

m = max(x, y)

A notable addition that comes with generics is the addition of a new predeclared identifier any, as an alias for everyone’s favorite interface interface{}. This identifier originally was meant to only be used in constraints related contexts but has since been extended for use throughout all Go code. For more information, please take a look at this issue.

As closing thoughts, I believe generics are a good addition to Go. There are real problems caused by the lack of generics that impact mostly library authors. General purpose data structures like trees and sets can now be defined without implementing a new version every single time for every single existing type.

However, we must keep in mind that using generics adds complexity and using it carelessly may lead to unnecessary complexity. First, we should consider if using generics solves a real problem in our user code. We must remember that Go already has a form of generic programming with interfaces, so we should reflect if our problem can be solved just by using interfaces. In the end, we must maintain a healthy allergy to using generics and only use them where approppriate.

For an overview of generics, I suggest viewing the GopherCon 2021 talk by Robert Griesemer and Ian Lance Taylor titled “Generics!”. For an in-depth overview of the specification design please visit the type parameters spec design proposal.

Lastly, thank you for reading and hope this helps you to use generics wisely in the future.